Tiwaraki, a prominent native doctor known for his powerful abilities in Anambra, has been tragically kidnapped by gunmen. During the abduction at his Triple O Hotel, the assailants fatally shot two of his bodyguards.
Referred to as the wealthiest witch doctor in Anambra State, Akwa Okuko Tiwaraki owns two of the largest hotels in Oba, the hometown of renowned businessman Obi Cubana, which he opened in 2022.
Despite his reputation and clientele who sought money rituals and anti-bullet charms, the ease with which he was abducted has raised questions about his perceived strength and invincibility.
The police, acknowledging the kidnapping, have initiated efforts to apprehend his abductors and secure his release, following the order of CP Aderemi Adeoye.
Watch the video above for more details on the incident.
Native doctor kidnapped by gunmen. Photo source: LetstalkNaijaWatch the video below.