A 70-year-old man named Ben Duamlong has accomplished a remarkable achievement by graduating with a first-class degree from the University of Jos (UNIJOS). As reported by DailyTrust, Duamlong completed his studies in the 2022-2023 academic year, joining a graduating class of 20,532 students. A photo accompanying the news shows Duamlong alongside the Vice-Chancellor of UNIJOS, Professor Tanko Ishaya.
Duamlong, who previously served as a coach for the Super Eagles, revealed that after retiring from his football coaching career, he made the decision to pursue an undergraduate program out of his passion for learning. He emphasized that obtaining a first-class degree should not be perceived as an insurmountable challenge for students.
The septuagenarian explained his motivation for returning to university at his age, stating, "What prompted me to go back to the university at this age is because of my passion for art. All my life, I have always drawn but never painted. I like painting. I can draw but I can't paint. So, after retiring in 2014 as a footballer, I stayed home doing nothing. That is why I decided to go back to school."
In unrelated news, a Nigerian woman identified as Renike shared a humorous incident from her flight from Lagos to Casablanca, Morocco. Renike took to Twitter to express her frustration with a fellow passenger who repeatedly released flatulence throughout the journey, causing discomfort with the strong odor. For more details on this amusing account, refer to the provided link.