Actress and a happily married mum of four, Mercy Johnson has publicly appreciated her colleague, Tonto Dikeh for having “too much sense”.
This she did in the comment section of a post shared by Tonto Dikeh hours ago that reads thus:
“I will not thank you for this pain, I will not thank you for this destruction nut I thank you for this lesson; my demolition not be in my hands but my reconstruction is. I don’t know who this is for but read this and be strong”
And in response, Mercy Johnson wrote “God, all this sense for 1 person? I love this sis”
Kemi Filani recalls that in 2013 after Mercy delivered her baby Purity in the US, Tonto had blasted Mercy who had come back to Nigeria 4 months later to continue with her acting career.
Tonto called Mercy all sorts of names, claiming Mercy’s husband pushed her immediately into acting because they were broke.
Tonto, on her Twitter page @TONTOLET, tweeted “Nollywood Bridez marry horribly** #SHEBA#…Wen n if I give birth, God plz provide mii wit a husband dat can provide 4uz, Not 1 dat wld send mii bck to actin 2monthz after I born 2Huzzle.’
Tonto was lambasted by many who believed the tweet was referring to Mercy Johnson.
Although in her response to internet trolls, Tonto denied claims she was referring to Mercy.
She wrote: “Every1 who comes to ma tl to Rant Abt ur FOOL MJ is a bigger baztard Dan SHE is coz I never cald no Bitch’z Name**F*ck U**
“Bitch Lozt her Name, U gonno Uze mii az A come back???Naaahhhhh go Nurze Ur Witch Bitch** #StayBlessed.”
Years have passed by and Tonto, in 2017 tweeted an apology to her colleague.
She wrote: “Good morning world. Since I have your undivided attention, I better make good use of it and not miss the blessing in this lesson!!!
“@mercyjohnsonokojie Ever since I had my baby, I have been reminded constantly about an ill statement I made about one of your kids a very long time ago. I want to use this media to say I am so sorry.
“I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. I had no right to say what I did, I totally disgraced myself with that.
“As a mom, I do realize a lot of things I take in because of the love of my son and I know you only took my insult because of that same love.
“I am sorry MJ, I am sorry to your lil’ girl or boy..
“We don’t have to love each other to realize when we are/went wrong.
“I have/had no excuse for my behaviour and I also apologize to the fans I hurt/Let down with my words that day many years ago ..To Err is human but to forgive is divine!!!
“Am not trying to be the better person.You deserve this apology for your Child for the Love I have for God .I found God and everything in my life changed. Let me tell you about him sometime..
“God bless you and yours!!! Happy new year. Take your time with the process of forgiving my ill-mannered words to your infant but pls eventually do!!
“#2017 Amending All my Wrongs. #2017 my year of positivity #Long overdue apology,” Tonto tweeted.
In a swift response, the ‘Dumebi the dirty girl’ thespian said, “I forgave you immediately you had your son.
She wrote on her Instagram page: @mercyjohnsonokojie: “@tontolet am shaking and in tears as I read your post. I have learnt the more this morning that the holy spirit is true, cus by him you were in my prayers last night and this morning am in shock.
“I always heard of what an Angel you are. Please, I forgave you immediately King came because I knew that u would have understood how it hurt me.
“I Love you and I am short of words now but thank you and trust me I wish so much happiness and peace. Am already hugging you so tightly. It is well and Purity is blowing you a kiss too.
“My God Will Bless You and Keep you Ahead always. MAMAPURITY,” she added.