Sharon Ooja pledges to tease singles with 'my husband' comments
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The notable Nollywood actress, Sharon Ooja, is stirring up some playful banter with singles as she pledges to maintain her 'my husband this and that' energy for as long as possible.

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Sharon Ooja, who recently engaged her partner, has been openly expressing her love and appreciation for her husband, especially after he complimented her outfit at a wedding event.

Using her Snapchat page as a platform, the actress continues to captivate the attention of singles with insights into her married life, thanking God for blessing her with her husband.

She shared stunning photos of herself, adding triggering captions like "My husband’s wife" and "My husband loves these pictures," playfully teasing those still on the single journey.

However, this playful banter triggered a reaction from one of her friends, who amusingly recalled Sharon's plan to tease single people with her marriage.

“This girl warned us o! She warned us. She told us she will finish us with ‘my husband, my husband’. Justice for single pringles,” her friend jokingly remarked.

In response, Sharon Ooja humorously wrote, “Lmfao something wey I just dey start.”