Shade Ladipo advises women against hastily changing their names post-marriage
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Media personality Shade Ladipo shares her advice for women considering changing their names after marriage.

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In an Instagram story, Shade Ladipo expressed her satisfaction with not rushing to change her name when she got married.

Shade Ladipo.

She highlighted the challenge of changing a name that she had built into a brand over 20 years due to marriage.

Shade advised newly married women to refrain from hastily changing their names, particularly on legal documents, emphasizing that there's ample time to make such decisions.

Her message was clear: "Do you want to know 1 thing I’m so happy I didn’t rush to when I was married? Changing my name How did I spend over 20yrs building the ‘Shadé Ladipo ‘brand to changing it overnight to another name? Some people see my father and say Oh you’re Shadé Ladipo’s Father Sis, you worked too hard to build your brand, don’t be too quick to change it especially on legal documents. Take your time, there’s no hurry I Promise you! #TeamHappiness"

