Mohbad's father claims the singer used his glory for fame
Posted by badgeBusayo on 0

The father of the late musician Mohbad, Mr. Aloba, has made a startling revelation, claiming that his son used his glory to achieve fame in Nigeria before his untimely death.

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In a new video that has emerged, Mr. Aloba disclosed that the pastor of Wunmi, Mohbad's widow, had informed the family that his son was leveraging his (Mr. Aloba's) glory for his music career.

Mr. Aloba stated that although Mohbad used his glory to amass wealth, he never shared any money with him. Instead, Mohbad continually provided financial support to his mother, even going as far as to open multiple shops for her.

Mr Aloba, father of late Mohbad

In his words;

“My son was using my glory, Wunmi’s pastor told Wunmi that it’s my glory Mohbad was using, My son had money but didn’t give me, he was giving his mother millions when I got to where he Rented 3 shops for his mother, I was marveled.

“I was like you millions, have you maintained a 500k shop before talkless of 3 shops of 20million, Mohbad Mother was the one taking all the money, she doesn’t even know the school Mohbad attended talkless of any Mohbad school friends, but God so good, where is the money today?

Wunmi was leaving the house angrily for 3days because of the text messages she saw on Mohbads phone.”